Thursday, October 05, 2006

Liars..Show off... Bossy ...Bullies...Gossips.. N others that brin badness! (joke2)

Show off!
I hate them.. They would just lie to people to show their gudness..Hurt other's feelings..Sob2..
You are walkin down the street n u see a beggar..
Both u n the beggar r show off! The beggar wants to show off that he is retarted or has some money while u go infront and show him ur fan of money?
haha... Juzz realise that? Me 2.. Dat iz y..
Dun bother.. u r one too!
If a bully bullies u.. U just sit honestly.. will u?
In majority the answer is NO!
Hu wants to sit down..
somehow u will report to ur teacher just to see him get scolded ..
Take revenge..
U r also a bully!

Everyone is one..
some1 talks bad about u.. N u say i dun want to talk bad things bout him/ her bcoz i dun wanna end up lyke him / her..
Dun u think that is gossip..
Moreover... It is just the same .. Y shall u say i dun want to talk about this n that..
Say no Evil!

Tired to rite already la now..
HAHA!! I have been caught! Was i lying..
Possibly.. Yes!

Dun trust any1 .... Except..
Huhu.. Just trust the person that u think u can trust..
hanwritten 100%
bye eniza!
I am lyin! oh no! i am caught!


Blogger Erina Z Ellias said...

eisha! critical thinking!! thats good =)

7:33 AM  

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