Saturday, November 18, 2006

i surrender..

it is a lil difficult to ask them about what date is today...
at the end.
i forgot that today is a saturday 18 of november
as i slept in the plane..
bored at home as no activities comin in bcoz the first day...
i ate fish deep fried in flour..
but i didn`t finish it as i ate maggi before eating dinner..
i hope everyone dun forget me there...
eventhough i watch terebi..
i dun reali understand..
although the way they show it describes the situation..
which is very funny..
they really like to have stitch around..
i miss my skool life..
n the elementary skool dun have uniform!!
but i dun like the school shoes as it looks very funny on me!
i am trying my best to ask them if we all are goin out anywhere tonite..
but i am a lil bit cuckoo..
as okasan open the dictionary tooo big till the page nearly come off!


Blogger ellias said...

Dear Eisha - pa here.. its one o'clock in the morning and i hv to reply yr blog.

1. Please adjust your hpone clock and your watch by one hr to suit Japan time . and then you can chk time of day by looking at the date and time ..ok?

2. Are u starting to take fotos.. ps bring camera to schoool first day and take plenty fotos.. post some on your blog.OK

3. So no uniform heh?? kenapa shoes tu funny?? are they like clogs(Terompah)? AMbil lah gambak kasut tu.

4. So first day u dah curi makan maggi huh.... tak pe makan lah selagi masih ada. I think you should start asking yr mamasan prepare the tomyam for you. Anyway fried fish sounds ok..

5. What is the school session what time do u leave the house. and whattime u hv brak and time to come home. iheard that u walk to school with friends.

6. You have to listen hard and then make effort to speak your little japanese that you have been practicing..rajin-rajin lah buka small dictionary tu and put the dictnry in your jaket pocket.

7. Dont worry your family is always thinking about you .. so much so that we wish to be with you last nite and so papa, mama, cacik went to the curve and had JApanese dinner at the SAKAE SUSHI at the Curve .. We choose to sit and eat Tatami style too like you do in Japan... and drink Sakae Ocha (japanese green tea,) Takara peach and Kitsune Udon, and Temaki roll . Of course papa paid in Ringgit .not yen!!

8. PLease get SUzumi to purchase your local prepaid telefone card and inform us yr Japanes nO on this blog.

9. If you can download SKYPE into the computer and i will SMS to you my username and password for SKYPE and then you can use Japanese computer to telefone our house telefone anytime .. the skype tel bill will be charges to my SKYPE accout.. good idea kan sha?? Get lah Mr Hirayama to install the WEBCAM tu.

9:59 AM  
Blogger ellias said...

EIsha -- I have given you the plug adaptor for japan ..ingat >>its in yr bag.- papa

Dictionary tu sedikit koyak still ok le .. boleh pakai lagi

Good to hear thatweather ok.. nanti u akan get use to the weather and tak perlu pakai tebal sangat

Oh ya.. please get Suzumi to buy for you some multi vitamins ( childrens size is Ok ) and you take vitamins to stay healthy ..ok?

We love you Eisha ... bye

PA n family

10:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

mama said....i am glad to hear that you are doing fine. Mama missing u here, never thought i will miss u this much but do not to worry i can handle it. As long as you enjoy yourself there. You are going to learn and have alot of experience that not many can have at your age.
I am glad that you have been writing alot in your blog pls keep the good job. love u mama

4:03 PM  
Blogger Erina Z Ellias said...

okasan suka bukak dictionary tu kan??

ish papa..panjangnya comment u!!

8:16 PM  

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