Saturday, November 18, 2006

skool festival!!

i just came home from a school festival..
i am tooo tall for the japanese... n i am participating for basketball
i meet some friends there...
i would have to walk to skool which is 2 km away n it takes 30 minutes to walk there..
i hate the changing shoes when u r in skool..
i just ate home made udon..
n i am goin 2 you me town department store for shoppin!!!
it seems like a holiday n adventure at the same time..
i am watchin mr and mr smith now!!
hirayama is sleepin..snoring... but tryin to stay up!!
the mother always bz in da kitchen cleaning and cooking..
lucky me i hope i am never goin to get fat!
anywayz i have to go...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi there mama here, mama selalu sangat baca your blog, its seems that you are very happy and mama is laughing about your shoe but i am still wondering how does it look like. Yr mother there is taking good care of your food i guess and belajar lah masak mee udon tu so when u come back u can teach me and kak ros.

bye luv u always and lots of hugs and kisses to u

9:57 PM  
Blogger ellias said...

Hey -- u are supposed to join Mum Suzumi in the kitchen and help her - remember she has no helper and you are supposed to learn Japanese coooking ( and also cleaning up as well ) these japanese they are very fast at cleaning up ..

12:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hu is principal??
suzumi dia masak makanan like sikit jer..
abang nyer friendster last year yg dia sign in tak sign out till i baru check tadi!!

2:24 AM  
Blogger Erina Z Ellias said...

who is anonymous?

i know principal is papa haha.

papa pun ada blog now!!

8:20 PM  

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