Sunday, November 19, 2006

japanese friends..

These are my friends in japan..
yamaguchi elementary school..
the things i enjoy about the school is that u don`t have to wear a uniform..
from left is momo then me..
i cannot remember the other two..
they have a celebration..
there are performances..
i don`t like the way they dance modern dance..
it is like exercisin..

today i spent some money..
i bought..
1 nbc touch light that costs around 20 rm..
1 sticth touch light that costs around rm 20
1 badge that is cheap for my bro` jacket ... i hope u will like it..
3 pairs of long socks that is for harajuku girls that equals - 1000 yen
this one u might scold me mama n papa..
a nbc pencil boz that costs around 1300 yen..
but u cannot find it in malaysia bcoz it is out of stock here..
i bought..
1 sticth note book which is cheap.
1 nbc note book which is cheap..
1 blanket nbc for my sis...share with me ... depends if she is begging for it..
gtg now...
i miss the malaysian tempreature..
here also every 2 hours will rain..


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