Sunday, November 19, 2006

the last day of skool on the 17th

i cried a lil bit..
as i saw iryani... cikgu amran`s daughter cryin as she realize that she will be leavin us..
then in the evening ...
edric seek..
a guy cried emotionaly for half an hour..
didn`t expect a guy to cry harder than me..
more emotional...
i hang out with the subang people...
nathanael... q-hung... n ee shen..
i realize that i should spend time with them after they took their time from playin maple with me..
it is not always i could have friends bside me all the time..
i feel sad everytime i write a blog about my skool rendah life..
i wish i could stay bein a kid ..
like peter pan..


Blogger Erina Z Ellias said...

y tiba2 tulis pasal school??

8:21 PM  

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