Tuesday, November 21, 2006

1st day of japan skool..

i had to walk to school for 30 minutes..
damn tiring!!
um... skool starts at 8.20
music here is much more advanced den malaysia..
including maths..
after 12..
we ate..
then.. we had to clean up our own mess..
the whole school!!!
around 2.30..
they practice music n do simon says..
their english is like for 4 year old babies..
simon says..
i felt embarrased!
it is like a high school student in a tadika..
tommorow i have to go to momo`s house..
in the pic...


Blogger ellias said...

Papa and Mama ( from Chiengmai)

We are having wonderful time . Also we are always reading your blog whenever we find an internet.
Yesyerday we went on boat trip to three countries at the golden triangle - look up map for near Changrai, Mae Sai, .
The boat stop at htree countries - 1) Thailand (2) Laos (3) Myanmar
That why called Triangle.

We are very pleased that you are enjoying school ( especially English ...hehe)
I think you should be able to score high marks for maths because malaysia advanced in Maths - and maths is in the blood ?? he ..he..

We love your fotos .. and look forward to more on the blog.. also dont forget the videos..
We leave for malaysia on friday and will reply to yr blog once again..
Love from Chiengmai....

5:50 AM  
Blogger Nat Suraya said...

hey niz!
all of us here r reli missing u girl!
balik 15 ke?
we all nak keluar tapi tunggu u balik dulu.
btw,q-hung ckp he's going overseas today.
x taulah pergi mana.
later i'll ask syaheeda.
study hard aite?
ur parents r rite.
not many at our age can study there like u.
u r damn lucky u noe.
hit me back soon!

4:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi there mama here, mana lagi blog u on the 22nd tak tulis pun dah sibuk ke. pls write somemore so that i can know what u are doing.

i miss u dear

luv. mama

5:39 PM  

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