Saturday, September 23, 2006

ThanKs FoR EveRyThiNg!!

Dear parents...
Thanks for lettin me be happy, protecting me, teaching me,helping me, n do anythin just to make me hapie...
Sorie for all the things that i did wrong... Guess it is time for me 2 learn things by myself as i am growin up...Thanks for doing ur responsibility.... N ow it is my turn..To help u back n do wat u have done to me..
Now, it just depends on u ( my parents) n me... I really appriciate all of the people hu helped me..
Thanks for everything..
Lotsa love,

Monday, September 18, 2006

Stressted up?!?!

Today, my school friend is playing as a goal shooter for my class netball match...
She couldn't shoot bcoz she was stressted up.. She thinks that she cant... in the end she could...She told herself at first that she couldn't she tried .. We had a break n psychoed her... She can do it... Then criend in to tears to loosen up her stress...At the end.. After all the tiring things... She did it! She scored a goal.. ( eventhough it was only one) But man she did it! She was stressed up! NEVER EVER GET STRESS TED UP OR THINK U R STRESS! It is all just some psycho in ur brain...Think u can n at the end u can! Just do it...


Six years ago....
I went to study at Sksj. When i reached school...Cried bcoz of sadness leaving my parents...The next day, I felt excited as i found a new friend..Natasha. Everything we do...we do it together..Till now... We study hard together..Reaching our dreams to get 5a's.. After all our hardwork from ourselves, teachers n parents. Before the exam... my class didn't rise up! My class teacher keeps on scolding my classmates n me.. After eight months of school n studyin hardly..On the nineth month is the exam.. My heart was full of fear but i psycho myself that i can do it and it is easy... In the end only one paper was difficult.. I felt very happy! Then... we celebrated MERDEKA! On the next day, my classmatez n i enjoyed our time at sunway pyramid... Didn't think about our exams..Man... We enjoyed our time... Tanx to our parents for letting this fun to happen..After a week, it is time for camping! We played truth or dare, swam at a river n etc...I enjoyed myself during that time..Then, This week is the time for my class to rise up! We won for qoir as first,third as a decoration during the Merdeka Month!we won 2 match n it is time for my class to win in the finals tommorow for football n netball....Till this day i enjoyed myself very much...On this week we also have a hang out.. I hope my parents allow me to go bcoz this could be the last time of Sekolah Reandah!...But it won't last for long,as i will be leaving the school to move on to my teenager life! Leaving my friends who are always there for me means a lot! I hope that i can achieve my dreams n stick together with my sekolah rendah friends forever no matter where i go.. Even if i always fight with them... They never let me down n always there for me! Miss you guys later on..Ciaow!