Sunday, November 26, 2006

what happens today..

i went to a place called yobuko..
it took 2 hours to go there by car.. i went there with momo n natsumi..

i was trying my best to take out the siput from the shell..
it didn`t taste very nice.. at the end.. i said very nice..
it took 2 minutes to take out the shell from the siput coz it is fresh..
2nd reason is bcoz u had to use chopsticks n some kind of jarum thingy to take out the siput..
they laughed at me!!
uweeek!! hehe.
coz for them it was very easy...

this is what i ate.. behind da round thingy is the meat..
it fits till i cannot really take it out!!
i think i am gonna be seafood sick..
too much seafood today!

a picture of me with the underground fishes..
at yobuko..
there is a place that u can go deep down the sea n see the fishes..
it was a small place to see..
just a medium round room that u can see fishes..

from left is momo


n me...

just came out from the underground thingy..

i look soo ugly in this pic...

those are alive sotongs in a restaurant. u eat the sotong while the legs are movin... Raw!! i didn`t try as i am not sure islam can eat n i dun think it taste nice...

this is a dryer squid machine... it spins like damn fast!!

u see that squid..

the legs are moving!! u eat it with ketchup!!


that is the picture of me in the boat with my friends..

they follow me wherever i go..!!

we are the umbrella girls!!

that is me eating a nasty food..


i can womit..


i didn`t!! gtg...



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey niz.. again... Nice pics.. Yeah.. We can't eat dat Squids... Non-halal.. LoL.. K... ciao..
~Nur Athirah~

3:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lol.. My bad.. We can't eat squids dat are alive.. Lol..
~Nur Athirah~

3:54 AM  
Blogger ellias said...

squids takde darah merah - camne?? halal kut>>

6:15 AM  
Blogger ellias said...

Hey Sha
I luv yr fotos very well taken.
Enjoy the japanese food while u can..they are VERY-VERY fresh . stright out from the sea. Geng u tu, biar je lah diaorang nak kepit tu ..orang jepun tu bukan biasa sangat jalan overseas.

Once again your fotos was great.
News from Home:
today (sunday) mama and cacik became doctors and pharmacist. Mama was checking blood pressure and cacik was dispensing medicine to patients attending the Rotary club free medical treatment camp at KApar/Kelang. You may view the fotos on my blogspot(soon). We were there from 8.00am till 4.00pm and we treated 600 patients. For lunch we had chicken and mutton curryyyy sbb kawasan tu orang india banyak and the gueast of honor also was Kamala Devi - wakil Education Minister.
We are looking forward to Kakaks return on wednesday nite.

Bye for now ..and eisha whenever you feel a little down, just take things alittle bit slower and rest .soon inshaallah you will recover and feel fine once again..yelah kadang kadang tu tired kan??
Yr loving pa.

6:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi eisha, mama here, i saw pic and it was lovely. I think you can eat the stotong just like fish (raw) yang you makan kat japanese shop and also the clams yang masih tak masak. Anyway must jaga duit for shopping nanti tak cukup. i will try to call u on the 30th bila kakak dah sampai ok. please take good care of yourself. Pakai baju tebal sedikit so you will not get sick and eat good food and jangan lupa vitamins. ok

Cacik hari-hari tidur dgn mama sebab u tak ada mama boleh peluk dia. Hahahaha

7:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi, there why no message from you. I think you must be busy as what all the japanese people are.
we will be leaving to thailand about 1 hr time. i will try to contact you from the thailand please sent message thru your blog. bye mama love and miss you dear. lots of kisses to u dear

4:38 PM  

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