Monday, October 09, 2006


Here are pictures of my best buddies!

Dis photo was taken durin my birth day!
Thanks girls for bein there when i need u..

Dis party was a surprise party!

Dis are my best guy buds!

They even become my best buddies eventhough i am a girl..

SEE?? They don't gudge people by sex!

My two best buds!
Sorie tasha ur not here..

Thanks for bein there for me..
Makin me feel un lonely!


These three guyz alwayz cheer me up during the camp!

Thanks for everythin!

Dis is natasha..
Hate me n not??
We stop fightin already..
Thanks for everthin la... Dis thing make me sad while listening to my heart! I love you!

Dis is omarul haris..
My internet chatter! hehe...
Thanks for cheerin me up..
With jokes that u made till u didn't realize..
Thanks la.. For wateva u did for me!

Dis is nathanael..
he is my pet bro..
Thanks for bein there when i need u n suportin me always!
Sorie if i hit u badly at skool that day..

dis is nathanael n aaron
my two pet bros..
Thanks for everything..

Dat is all.
My sadness is comin!

Friday, October 06, 2006

Bein urself...

Bein urself...
Sometimes... u wish to be lyke ur idol.. Tryin to be lyke ur idol is gud... But not gud enough!
Before bein ur idol!
U must be urself...
Lyke me..
Watever u do...
Just be urself...
Always look at the bright side!

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Liars..Show off... Bossy ...Bullies...Gossips.. N others that brin badness! (joke2)

Show off!
I hate them.. They would just lie to people to show their gudness..Hurt other's feelings..Sob2..
You are walkin down the street n u see a beggar..
Both u n the beggar r show off! The beggar wants to show off that he is retarted or has some money while u go infront and show him ur fan of money?
haha... Juzz realise that? Me 2.. Dat iz y..
Dun bother.. u r one too!
If a bully bullies u.. U just sit honestly.. will u?
In majority the answer is NO!
Hu wants to sit down..
somehow u will report to ur teacher just to see him get scolded ..
Take revenge..
U r also a bully!

Everyone is one..
some1 talks bad about u.. N u say i dun want to talk bad things bout him/ her bcoz i dun wanna end up lyke him / her..
Dun u think that is gossip..
Moreover... It is just the same .. Y shall u say i dun want to talk about this n that..
Say no Evil!

Tired to rite already la now..
HAHA!! I have been caught! Was i lying..
Possibly.. Yes!

Dun trust any1 .... Except..
Huhu.. Just trust the person that u think u can trust..
hanwritten 100%
bye eniza!
I am lyin! oh no! i am caught!


I am not so sure of my title so here goes what i am thinkin of..
here is a question..
Will u go out with ur mum or ur bf or gf..
Some of u will decide gf/bf or mum..
but me? I will go for my parents..
U may not know what will happen to them at any time.. They have short length of time just to spend with us..
Will u'd rather be embarresed by gettin hug by ur parents or kissed infront of ur friends?
I won't!
Coz.. U may not know u can ask for forgiveness ( salam ) ur parents anymore..
they may die anytime.. mayb after sendin u to skool
So.. Dun ever say dis
I dun wanna follow what my parents say or disobey them..
Somehow.. We will regret..
Hope that dis kind of things dat will hurt ur parents feelin won't happen!