Sunday, November 26, 2006

what happens today..

i went to a place called yobuko..
it took 2 hours to go there by car.. i went there with momo n natsumi..

i was trying my best to take out the siput from the shell..
it didn`t taste very nice.. at the end.. i said very nice..
it took 2 minutes to take out the shell from the siput coz it is fresh..
2nd reason is bcoz u had to use chopsticks n some kind of jarum thingy to take out the siput..
they laughed at me!!
uweeek!! hehe.
coz for them it was very easy...

this is what i ate.. behind da round thingy is the meat..
it fits till i cannot really take it out!!
i think i am gonna be seafood sick..
too much seafood today!

a picture of me with the underground fishes..
at yobuko..
there is a place that u can go deep down the sea n see the fishes..
it was a small place to see..
just a medium round room that u can see fishes..

from left is momo


n me...

just came out from the underground thingy..

i look soo ugly in this pic...

those are alive sotongs in a restaurant. u eat the sotong while the legs are movin... Raw!! i didn`t try as i am not sure islam can eat n i dun think it taste nice...

this is a dryer squid machine... it spins like damn fast!!

u see that squid..

the legs are moving!! u eat it with ketchup!!


that is the picture of me in the boat with my friends..

they follow me wherever i go..!!

we are the umbrella girls!!

that is me eating a nasty food..


i can womit..


i didn`t!! gtg...


my shopping stuff!!!

a pair of original nike shoe on sale that costs around rm 55.... it is not in malaysia yet.. hehe

from left.. a dolphin necklace for my sis... 2 yin n yang necklace for 4 friends as friends 4 eva..

down.. ying n yang phone accesory 1 for me and 1 for nadya... a bangle that changes colour under the sun..

a 3d bookmark for athirah... a dolphin ring for natasha.. in a bottle.. a necklace for amira.. badge for abang.. phone stickers for nadya..

a touch light stitch for me n a touch light nbc for my sis.. a ring on top of the boxes is my ring made of coral..

a sticth album.. nbc album.. nbc selimut..


1 nbc stuff will be given to aaron depends on what my sis choose..

i have to keep money to shop for my 2 aunty n my best guy friends..

Friday, November 24, 2006

error on 22nd

i dun understand what they write here to show the blog..
till i check..
i accidentally deleted it!!

forgot again..

yesterday is like normal days..
but during pe there is a marathon.. i got last in my class..
i thought short race..
but then i realize that it was a long race...
i feel like i have ashtma..
as when i breath my ribs hurt!!
at nite..
i slept at 1,00 clock japanese time..
chattin for such a long time...
till now..
i get sick!!!
gtg n have rest..
so that i can go to see a nice view on sunday

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

1st day of japan skool..

i had to walk to school for 30 minutes..
damn tiring!!
um... skool starts at 8.20
music here is much more advanced den malaysia..
including maths..
after 12..
we ate..
then.. we had to clean up our own mess..
the whole school!!!
around 2.30..
they practice music n do simon says..
their english is like for 4 year old babies..
simon says..
i felt embarrased!
it is like a high school student in a tadika..
tommorow i have to go to momo`s house..
in the pic...

Monday, November 20, 2006


a lot of things happen today as there is no school bcoz on sunday we went to school already...
it started at 1 o`clock..
i went to my foster mum`s sister house..

i made my own green tea...
bside me is opachan..
n a guidance from my foster mother`s sis...
it didn`t taste that nice although i think the taste is very unique..

i guess u got backstage pass before seing a model pose...

look at me..
with my own pose...
well what to do?
i am a natural model..
the picture is taken in front of a japanese garden..

silly old me..
what to do??
just bein myself...
n enjoying it...

the talented eniza..

at the end...

i really did practise playin it!


Sunday, November 19, 2006

the last day of skool on the 17th

i cried a lil bit..
as i saw iryani... cikgu amran`s daughter cryin as she realize that she will be leavin us..
then in the evening ...
edric seek..
a guy cried emotionaly for half an hour..
didn`t expect a guy to cry harder than me..
more emotional...
i hang out with the subang people...
nathanael... q-hung... n ee shen..
i realize that i should spend time with them after they took their time from playin maple with me..
it is not always i could have friends bside me all the time..
i feel sad everytime i write a blog about my skool rendah life..
i wish i could stay bein a kid ..
like peter pan..


in the picture..
i was bending my knees as they say i am too tall for them..
they had an act for the festival..
n in da class..
every girl must sit bside a guy..
i laughed everytime when i spot a guy..
their eyes are like damn sepet..
a lot of them give me presents..
small persents..
i watch a lot of movies already as i am bored here..
mayb other days i invite friends to come over..
that is where my story ends for tonite i guess.

japanese friends..

These are my friends in japan..
yamaguchi elementary school..
the things i enjoy about the school is that u don`t have to wear a uniform..
from left is momo then me..
i cannot remember the other two..
they have a celebration..
there are performances..
i don`t like the way they dance modern dance..
it is like exercisin..

today i spent some money..
i bought..
1 nbc touch light that costs around 20 rm..
1 sticth touch light that costs around rm 20
1 badge that is cheap for my bro` jacket ... i hope u will like it..
3 pairs of long socks that is for harajuku girls that equals - 1000 yen
this one u might scold me mama n papa..
a nbc pencil boz that costs around 1300 yen..
but u cannot find it in malaysia bcoz it is out of stock here..
i bought..
1 sticth note book which is cheap.
1 nbc note book which is cheap..
1 blanket nbc for my sis...share with me ... depends if she is begging for it..
gtg now...
i miss the malaysian tempreature..
here also every 2 hours will rain..

Saturday, November 18, 2006

skool festival!!

i just came home from a school festival..
i am tooo tall for the japanese... n i am participating for basketball
i meet some friends there...
i would have to walk to skool which is 2 km away n it takes 30 minutes to walk there..
i hate the changing shoes when u r in skool..
i just ate home made udon..
n i am goin 2 you me town department store for shoppin!!!
it seems like a holiday n adventure at the same time..
i am watchin mr and mr smith now!!
hirayama is sleepin..snoring... but tryin to stay up!!
the mother always bz in da kitchen cleaning and cooking..
lucky me i hope i am never goin to get fat!
anywayz i have to go...

i surrender..

it is a lil difficult to ask them about what date is today...
at the end.
i forgot that today is a saturday 18 of november
as i slept in the plane..
bored at home as no activities comin in bcoz the first day...
i ate fish deep fried in flour..
but i didn`t finish it as i ate maggi before eating dinner..
i hope everyone dun forget me there...
eventhough i watch terebi..
i dun reali understand..
although the way they show it describes the situation..
which is very funny..
they really like to have stitch around..
i miss my skool life..
n the elementary skool dun have uniform!!
but i dun like the school shoes as it looks very funny on me!
i am trying my best to ask them if we all are goin out anywhere tonite..
but i am a lil bit cuckoo..
as okasan open the dictionary tooo big till the page nearly come off!


i am confused as i am not sure yesterday or today i slept around 4 n i just wake up at 6,00...
den kiyonori said ohayo to me... i was shocked...
still now i dunno what time it is...

i bought the nightmare before christmas book n blanket...
sticth book
chachik if u r reading this.........
we r sharing the nbc blanket.....

i have to go n figure out if it is morning or evening...

Friday, November 17, 2006

1st day at japan..

it is not that difficult to understand bcoz..
they talk with their hands moving following their expressions..
nwayz.. they talk slower... sometimes i feel like a girl stuck in space...
the guyz baju u beli too big!!
i think i am goin to get use to this..
the weather here is not too cooling as i thought ..
nwayz.. i have to go ... bz
i have to buy a bew plug...
miss u guyz there in mareshia!!

Friday, November 10, 2006

Last week of skool!!

I am goin to miss everything about skool..
especially the senior and craziee life!!

List of things that i will miss!!
~ my history.....
~ my friends..
~ teachers
~ easy pelajarans...
~ My possision in school
~ Hating my enemies
~ friends that can be trusted!

I am goin to miss u guyz..
Love ya always!


Have a timetable??
I don't ever follow my timetable....
It just waste my time to write or type it...
in the end ...
I won't follow!

But as usual..
i have to practice piano , study japanese , do my class project...etc..
I can prove to u that i have no displin..
i watch tv like 8 hours a day..
i keep tellin my self..
u have to go down n study..... instead i went down..
and do what people my age always do..

Time is very precious but i have to tell myself to stop wastin time!